

your videos are so spectacular! what amazing backdrops, what intensity, what stunning colour coordination! and how perfectly you match up every detail - how the colours of the fonts are always exactly matching some part of the picture, how well the fonts are placed, what cool mergers & transitions you use ... your video-making is so cool!

you look so hot & radiant & resplendent & beautiful in these videos - and they all show you in different aspects, different colours, different atmospheres, with different mixes of the elements - like the more earthen nara nga ceremony; the glistening, waving, green-watered UnderStanding; the rocky & turquoise-blue-watery coral cove cave play; the ripple-rocky-blue-tree-green mangrove man; your breathtakingly erotic sand-and-rock-coloured, shiny blue, golden skinned avatar play ... and the play of the colours in captain pt, with those still images of you, beautiful captain ...

really amazing what happens in the sound when you connect with those paintings in the nara cave - strangest voices appearing ... and countless other amazing sonics happening all the time ... the cove cave play has so many different sounds - strange how the sounds turn all cristalline and different when you go into the cave ... and all those totally inexplicable sonics in the avatar sonics, but also in understanding, well, in all of your pieces really ... it's always exciting, always new, always absolutely touching & amazing to hear them!!!

and what totally different, mindboggling, epic scenes you show in your videos ... you covered those totally different faces of planet earth in just a month ... AND made & published those spectacular videos of it too ... it's really beyond the scope of mere mortals what you are doing. totally.

Narayan Narayan

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